Thursday, October 30, 2014

Vtech Switch & Go Dinos Review

Vtech has introduced these cool voice recognition toys called Switch & Go Dinos. They come in various models, this specific model that I'm reviewing here is called "Jagger the T-Rex Dinosaur". Given that dinosaurs are popular among kids, I think children will appreciate receiving this interactive toy as a gift. It's designed for kids between the ages of 3 to 8 years.

I didn't realize how big this toy was, until I unboxed it. It's approximately 16-inches tall and 29-inches long, so it's a good size to play with. Younger kids, around 3 to 5 years, will require some help in transforming the toy from a truck to a dinosaur, but once they do it a few times, they will get the hang of it.

Basically, when the toy is in Truck mode or T-Rex mode, you can give over 20 pre-set commands and the toy will accordingly respond to the commands. The Switch & Go Dinos package includes a voice command list card for both modes. When I tried the commands, the voice-recognition technology worked really well, but make sure to say the commands clearly for it to work effectively. See the section below for my favourite commands and how to make the most of this interactive toy.

I personally, preferred the dinosaur mode because dinosaurs are cool and I enjoyed the specific commands for the dino. However, the Truck mode is fun too and kids will enjoy transforming this toy to both, dino and truck. The package also comes with a mini T-Rex that transforms into a bulldozer.

To learn how to have fun with this cool toy and how to transform the truck to the dinosaur, check out the video section below for demonstrations.

How-To Have Fun with Jagger The T-Rex?

If your kids love dinosaurs and interactive toys that transform from various types of vehicles to dinosaurs, then they will definitely enjoy playing with the variety of Switch & Go Dinos from Vtech. So I got this interactive toy from Vtech in December 2013 and decided to test it out before giving it away.

Overall, I found this toy a lot of fun mainly because it's a good size to play with and most of all, it's interactive. The voice-recognition technology was quite accurate in following the commands, however, I was giving clear commands sitting about two feet away.

For the commands to be more effective, make sure to always get the attention of the T-Rex. In order to do so, when in Truck Mode use the words "Hello Truck Driver" and in T-Rex Mode use the words "Hello T-Rex", then give the command. I found that it works better when used on a hard floor rather than a carpet, especially when moving the toy forward and back.

Some of my favourite commands in T-Rex mode were "Make me laugh", "Change you voice", and "Teach me something". And in Truck Mode, "Talk to me", "Wrecking machine", and "It's quitting time". Be careful of the projectile (the drill-bit with the red head) which is made of hard plastic when you give the commands like "Fire the Drill", "Go Wild", "Wrecking Machine". It shoots out at a relatively high speed, so make sure your kid is not placed right in front of the dinosaur or truck.

As indicated earlier, there are various models of these voice-recognition toys as you will find in the section below. These Vtech toys can be purchased directly from the secure Amazon website. Should you have any questions or want to leave any comments, feel free to use the Guestbook below.

How-To "Switch & Go Dinos" Videos

The video below will give provide you a demonstration on how to use the "Switch & Go Dinos - Jagger The T-Rex" interactive toy. I have several videos: the first video below will show you how to transform the Truck to the T-Rex. The second video will show you how to command Jagger The T-Rex, and the third video will show you how to command this voice-recognition toy in Truck mode. You can check the second and third videos on your YouTube Channel. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the Comments section below.

Switch & Go Dinos Collectables

As indicated earlier, there are various models of these voice-recognition toys as you will find in the section below. These Vtech toys can be purchased directly from the secure Amazon website. Should you have any questions or want to leave any comments, feel free to use the comments section below.

Brok the Brachiosaurus Dinosaur, SkySlicer The Allocaurus Dinosaur, Stompsalot The Armargasaurus Dinosaur, Horns the Triceratops Dinosaur, Akuna The Velociraptor Dinosaur, Tonn the Stegosaurus Dinosaur, and several others. In total, there are around 15 different models. You can check the whole List of Switch & Go Dinos Collectables.

Image Credits: Images on this webpage belong to the author unless otherwise mentioned or linked to.

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